Caught by the River

On Nature

Jeff Barrett | 18th August 2011

Jon McNaught’s illustrations for the Caught by the River book, On Nature.

Winter Pike Fishing

Waterfall Staircase

Wainwright Walks

To The Greenhouse

Two Moors Walk

The Road to Damascus

Reclaiming the Language

Radnorshire Annual

How to tell the difference between a primrose and a cowslip


The Night Fisher

How to see Wildlife

Name That Tune

Living on a Remote Island

Lie of the Land

The Lazy Naturalist

How to Catch a Trout

How to Bird

How to tell the difference between a grasshopper and a cricket

How to tell the difference between a frog and a toad

Eating the Landscape

Cycling Around the British Coast

A Chain of Ponds


Drinking the Seasons


How to tell the difference between a swallow, a swift and a house martin

Jon McNaught’s website.