Caught by the River

Surf, sand, sky, Leach, Hepworth, Nicholson, Smeaton's, Sloop and the St Ives Freshwater Angling Society

1st September 2007

Me and the family just back from Summer holidays in St Ives. We regularly go to Cornwall and I always try and get a few days fishing in. My Brother comes down from Plymouth and we set about finding a good place to go. It isn’t easy. I guess coarse fishing isn’t that popular when you live so close to the sea. There are lakes, one or two really well known and popular, but they are big commercials and not my bag.

Had a result with this place this year. Didn’t actually catch much (though two Roach at just over the pound mark were fine with me), the weather conditions were against us (honest, freaky gale force winds all day) but total delight to fish. One of the most beautiful spots I’ve ever fished.

It’s just outside of a village called Georgia, near Nancledra, five miles west of St Ives. Out in the wilds, amidst the ruins of tin mines. It’s an old china clay pit which was discovered on a farm, fifteen years ago, by a couple of conservationist anglers.

They had a word with the farmer and took on the lakes (only one is for fishing, though the other is full of monster Bream apparently), stocking them with Carp, Perch, Roach, Rudd, Bream & Eels.

The place is astoundingly beautiful (“you should see the rhododendrons in Spring”) and absolutely quiet. Total peace.

It’s looked after by a great fella called Jim, who moved down to St Ives (from London) in the 60’s , as did my brother and a lot of hipsters looking for their own California. Jim stayed and this place has been his life. He loves it, you can tell.

If you are down there, you should go look. Even if you’re not an angler. Go see the birds and enjoy the landscape. You’ll also get a bit closer to understanding why us lot do it.

If you want to fish, call Jim on 01736 796696, he’ll tell you how to find it, how to fish it and the name of the farmer to get your ticket off (a fiver by the way).