Caught by the River

The Path of Most Resistance (continued)..

1st February 2008

On September 22nd 2007, one man and his bike took the 75.4m path of most resistance from sea to summit at Teifi Pools, one mile above sea level.

What follows, over the next few days, is the high, low and twilight of Peter Kirby’s journey.

Ingredients of a river

• Tidal river, sand flats, lagoons, mud flats 20%

• Inland water bodies 55.9%

• Bogs, marshes, ferns 8.9%

• Heath, scrub, maquis, garigue 2.7%

• Broad-leaved deciduous woodland 10.6%

• Inland rocks, scree, sands, snow and ice 1.1%

• Other land 0.8%

Ingredients of a cyclist

• Blood, flesh, bones, tissue, water, nerves 61.8%

• Carbon, steel, plastic, paint 9.7%

• Rubber, pressurised air 1.2%

• Mud, silt, manure, sweat, defiance, joy 25.5%

• Leather 0.7%

• Merino 1.1%

• Land trace