Caught by the River

Somers Town

20th August 2008

Its rare that you find yourself confidently recommending a film without having seen it. I suppose winning best British film at the Edinburgh Festival this year minimises the risk. That said, anything by Shane Meadows is fantastic. Whether it be the darkness of ‘Dead Man Shoes’ or ‘Room For Romeo Brass’ (Paddy Considine’s line ‘For Who’s Fucking Pleasure?’ still sends a cold shiver down my spine and I haven’t see it for 3 years) through to the feel good loveliness of ‘Once Upon A Time In The Midlands.’ Anyway, his new film ‘Somers Town’ is also bound to be brilliant. And thats before mentioning that it features the wonderful actor who debuted in ‘This Is England,’ Thomas Turgoose. Its out on Friday, go and see it. Failing that, check out anything by Shane. He truly is a genius. (AW)