Caught by the River

Shadows & Reflections – Chris Yates

24th December 2008

In which, as the year comes to it’s end, our friends and collaborators look back and share their moments;

The winter rivers I like to follow from January to March were lost to me this year as I finally got into some kind of rhythm with my new book, Out of the Blue. I handed in the last chapter on April 17th -only six months late – but, having read the result, my dear publisher was more complimentary than complaining. A week later I celebrated by going to the final match of the season at Southampton, a game that was easily the most exciting I’ve ever seen as Saints came back from a goal down to beat Sheffield United 3-2 and so save themselves from relegation. Such was the my joy I had to invade the pitch – along with a good pal and a few thousand fellow scummers.
Midsummer was lovely. Old friends gathered at a lost pool to fish for golden crucians and big green tench. Then the sea lured me away again and I spent the rest of the summer – and most of the autumn – chasing bass under the cliffs of Dorset. Also, the book was published in September and its first edition sailed happily into the blue within a few weeks.
Now I’m working up to the start of the next opus number – a book that may not have any fish in it at all!
Favourite books of the year: Notes from Walnut Tree Farm by Roger Deakin and Tales from the Drifting Dawn by Kenneth White (actually published by Penguin 20 years ago, but I’ve finally tracked down a 2nd hand copy).
Favourite records: In Air Clear and Unseen – almost silent music for piano and string quartet by the Russian, Alexander Knaifel (on ECM) and All is Well by Samamidon.
Favourite film: La Antena.
As I write we have just passed the midwinter solstice and are heading back towards the summer. Happy New Year!