Caught by the River

Shadows & Reflections – Pete Reilly

14th January 2009

S & R, of a sort from our mate at Soul Jazz;

Yes, I saw your Shadows and Reflections request, thanks for asking, apologies, I meant to get back to you sooner, although I’m no writer so this is going to be a list of things that spring to mind rather than a literary masterpiece

Some favourite things of 2008…..

Mauritius and my friend Jean’s lovely Mauritian family – good to feel that you’re not just a tourist somewhere, even though you are. Mandy and all our friends. Country Rock, Reggae and Dubstep. Most music really. Arthur, aka Minky, our adopted cat – who’d have thought one vaguely indifferent animal could bring so much joy. Cycling everywhere, especially along the Regents Canal – I can’t recommend cycling enough, especially if you explore a bit, gives you a completely different view of London. Vietnamese restaurants in Kingsland Road – still very good. Whole baked crab. The River Wandle. Caught By The River. Jo’s birthday party. Friends having kids. Brick Lane on Sundays, even if it does make me feel old. Seville. Everyone at Soul Jazz. Adam and Orla’s wedding in Ireland and their wonderful, welcoming families ( Blue r.i.p.) Beamish, Murphy’s and Guinness. Cheap red wine. Pints of bitter. Being out in the countryside. Living in London – damned expensive but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Tom Hodgkinson’s ‘How To Be Free’. Australia. Tea and biscuits. Mountains

Hope you all had a good one and here’s to 2009