Caught by the River

Remember Roger Eagle

28th April 2009

(illustration by Kavel Rafferty)

Our ‘Remember Roger Eagle‘ project hit the blogs last night. This just in from Isis on the ‘Soul Scource‘ forum;

I worked for Roger at Erics late ’76 till ’78, and when it came to choosing bands to play at the club he had a nose for talent like you wouldn’t believe. And what a great boss, always on your side…I do remember he grabbed Billy Idol by the throat for swearing at one of the bar staff (Anne?). One of the nicest people I ever met in my life and if you look up “modest” in the dictionary you’ll find Rogers picture. Incidentally, even though Erics was a punk/new wave club, the first record played every night was ‘Heatwave”. RIP Roger… a lovely lovely man“.

Don’t forget to sign up to receive Monday’s ‘Remember Roger Eagle’ download