If yr stuck for anything to do this weekend, we found the first eight chapters of the new Elmore Leonard book online – it’s called Road Dogs and is a sort of follow up to Out Of Sight – click here to find. Looks ace. Also, an early heads up – we’ve got a new download compilation ready to mail out in the next week or two – an utterly fantastic selection of mellow river songs from Psychemagik – here’s a taster to be going on with until we mail out. Called “Hello Sunshine”, we’re putting it up in the vain hope that it somehow manages to influence the weekend’s weather. Please note – If you aren’t signed up to the mailing list, you won’t get the comp – make sure you subscribe! Also, if you are subscribed and aren’t getting the mail outs, check yr junk mail filter. Hate to think anyone is missing this stuff. Have a great weekend!
Something(s) For The Weekend
17th April 2009