One of the nicest things about launching the book on Monday was being able to put faces to names, to humanize email contacts who we’ve been talking to with frothing enthusiasm for the last year or so… and to finally get to buy people a pint. One of the authors who contributed to the book that we’d previously never met is Paul Kingsnorth. Paul is responsible for Real England, one of our favourite books of last year, a proper game-changer (well, hopefully it is – for all of our sakes). As Paul was leaving, he handed me a thin book, the provocatively titled Uncivilisation. A manifesto for a new project he is working on (with fellow traveller Dougald Hine), Uncivilisation is the first broadside from the Dark Mountain Project. It’s also a genius idea. I won’t fudge things by trying to explain it any further – check it out here.
The Dark Mountain Project
18th June 2009