Had a very lazy weekend – the calm before the storm of a couple of very good friends of CBTR’s wedding this coming Saturday. Stumbled over a few really interesting bits I thought it was worth sharing. Most obvious was George Monbiot‘s brilliant piece about sea fishing in The Guardian Weekend section on Saturday. I love George’s writing – he’s the angry conscience that I wish I could summon up when facing down another trip to a city centre Tesco to pick up a bag of pasta. Saturday’s piece was beautifully weighted, taking a pro-active view of sustainability while interacting with your immediate environment. It made me eager to head straight out and go spearing mackerel – sadly Hackney’s stocks appear a little depleted at the moment.
Elsewhere, whist browsing absentmindedly through Lonely Planet magazine, I stumbled across a piece by Robert Macfarlane. ‘The Rolling English Road’ sees the author walking the Icknield Way from East Anglia through to Bedfordshire. The solitary mission he undertakes is mapped out in glorious Technicolor prose. Reading about this well trodden stretch of pathway made me get my walking boots out and finally clean the Glastonbury mud off them, mental notes made for future free weekends.
Finally, last night I sat down to watch the recent Adam Curtis film, ‘It Felt Like A Kiss’, which has gone up for just a few weeks on the BBC iPlayer. Jeff and I missed out on seeing it when it was on at the Manchester Festival last month – thankfully Curtis has blogged the entire thing. I don’t really want to say too much other than sit back and devour in full. The 54 minutes blur by in a hallucinogenic smog. Rock’n’roll is interweaved with politics and conspiracy theory. It’s magical, essential viewing.
So there you go – a whole weekend spent dreaming. Better get the suit pressed for next Saturday then.