Caught by the River

Stand Up For Our Rivers

11th October 2009

In the wake of the sickening fish kill on the river Trent in Staffordshire last week, it’s worth reading this article that Leo Hickman wrote in The Guardian on Friday. In it he highlights the state of our rivers and worryingly shows up the lack of cohesive responsibilty for their care.

You’re reading this site, I’m guessing this matters to you. If you want to do something about it check out the Our Rivers campaign (“… spearheaded by a coalition of the country’s leading NGOs – WWF, RSPB, the Angling Trust and the Association of Rivers Trusts although its strength will come from its roots – the wealth of knowledge that exists within local river networks. It is a campaign to focus attention on the rivers of England and Wales at a time when they need it most”) head over to their site HERE and learn how to stand up for our rivers.

news from The Angling Trust can be found HERE.