(illustration by Matt Sewell)
Caught by the River contributor, Hannah Hamilton and her Mum Kathie open the river for the new season.
Read the story of the Inchbeg Fishing School HERE and listen to Hannah’s, ‘River Man’ podcast at Mixcloud.
Dear Fisherfolk,
The Inchbeg Fishing School is opening its banks for the 2010 trout and salmon season.
If you have expressed an interest in lessons but would like more information or if you have purchased vouchers but are yet to confirm dates, we invite you to get in touch as our diary is filling up fast.
Please visit www.inchbegfishingschool.com or call Hannah on 087 9125264 for more information.
Last year, all proceeds were donated to the Kilkenny Alzheimer’s Society. This year we intend to support a recreational therapy project for local Alzheimer’s sufferers.
As always, we sincerely thank you for your interest in the Inchbeg Fishing School and look forward to seeing you on the river soon.
Best wishes,
Hannah and Kathie Hamilton