Looking from a hilltop, watching from a lighthouse, just dreaming
Up here I can see the world
and nows your chance. Next month, as part of the Open House London project, the Post Office Tower (ok, BT tower) will open to the public for the first time since 1981. The actual date hasn’t been announced yet but the programme is now available from the Open-City website.
I am excited. Growing up in Nottingham in the sixties and seventies this was always the most significant London landmark to me. Its modernity (a revolving restaurant up in the sky!) making it far more interesting than the boring old palace or the zoo or the museums. Sadly, I never made it up there before security fears shut it down. I did however understand where Paul Weller was coming from with this slice of teenage alienation from the second Jam lp. (JB)
[audio:https://www.caughtbytheriver.net//wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1-18-Life-From-A-Window.mp3|titles=1-18 Life From A Window]
With thanks to the ever interesting Retro To Go website for the tip.