story supplied by John Hirst:
It’s a sad day for extreme metal. Cradle Of Filth frontman will not be allowed to take his place as a Suffolk icon, despite the metal band forming in the county in 1991, and despite the frontman achieving the highest number of votes in a poll specifically set up to choose such things.
Execs at Choose Suffolk, who asked the public to choose “icons” of the county to appear on a new website, decided to run the public-voted list by a panel of judges, who then dropped Filth from the list, despite him polling highest. It seems that when Choose Suffolk asked the public to choose their list of icons, they didn’t actually want them to choose their list of icons.
Choose Suffolk head, Tim Passmore said in a statement: “The idea of what constitutes an icon will always divide opinion and stimulate engaging debate (which was part of the project’s remit). The finalist Icons have been selected because the judging panel believe they have a countywide resonance and are symbolic of Suffolk, and extend across the county and beyond its borders”.
He continued: “As a user-generated gallery, the site was designed to engage with visitors and encourage their participation. We are encouraged this remit has been successful. However, while some of the images on the site may have gained a larger proportion of visitors’ votes, the judging panel felt that their list of finalists displays the required credentials to act as representative iconic images of Suffolk”.
Come on, what says Suffolk more than Cradle Of Filth? I can’t think of one without the other. Honestly, I am trying not to think of both of them at the same time right now and I can’t.