Kook, issue 2
A couple of days ago we announced our next event at the Rough Trade shop. Xerox will be a celebration of the spirit and importance of the fanzine. Asking the questions and steering the conversation that evening will be the writer and broadcaster Emma Warren. Emma is someone whose words we first read in the early nineties in the (now much missed) Manchester based club ‘zine, Jockeyslut. Emma’s passion and curiosity for new music always produces brilliant writing and we’re over the moon to have her doing things like this with us. I really ought to have flagged up her blog in last Friday’s round up. Consider that corrected, click HERE and head over there now.
Emma’s latest post mentions Xerox and flags up some new ‘zines that she’s been reading, including the second issue of the enlightened, surf inspired, Kook. We published a poem by Kook editor, Daniel Crockett, on Caught by the River last year, around the time of his first issue I guess. He’s an interesting bloke, and I’m looking forward to seeing a copy.You can find that poem HERE and read Dan’s blog HERE.