Caught by the River

Hole & Corner Competition Result

3rd June 2013


Thanks for all the entries into our competition to mark the publication of the first issue of Hole & Corner magazine. We asked:

Who wrote the lines: ‘If all you young men were fish in the water, How many young girls would undress and dive after?’

Well, having checked with the guys at H&C (who set the question) the definitive answer isn’t certain. That said, many of you proved your folk credentials by correctly identifying the lyrics from Hares on the Mountain – which was published by Cecil Sharp in his Folk Songs from Somerset and recorded by Shirley Collins. (Check out Jude Rogers’ fantastic interview with Shirley Collins in the new issue of Hole & Corner which inspired the question)

So everybody who answered Cecil Sharp or Shirley Collins went in to the hat. And the winners are… Lynne Locker, Cath van der Linden and Malcolm Beveridge.

Congratulations, your prizes will be with you shortly. Competitions run most weeks on our newsletter. To be sure not to miss out on these and other exclusive offers sign yourself up to our mailing list here.