Caught by the River

Book Launch – Flat Holm

5th April 2015


UK launch of artists’ book Flat Holm at Bristol Art Book Event, Arnolfini, Bristol, 11 April 2015. The book is a hand-made picture book by ottoGraphic with poems by Chris Scully about the small Welsh island, Flat Holm.

Press release:
Otto visited the island Flat Holm several times during 2014 and made drawings and took photographs. That material was taken back to his workshop MSP near Bath where it led to a substantial body of illustrations and screen prints. On one of his visits to the island Otto met resident trainee warden, Chris Scully, who had written numerous poems about Flat Holm. The poems matched the images, so Otto decided to make a book with illustrations and poetry. He designed, screen printed and bound an edition of 100 at MSP.


Reading of poems by Chris Scully and Otto’s visual presentation of the book will take place Saturday, 11 April 2015, 4pm.
BABE, Bristol Art Book Event, is a popular international artists book fair, organised by he Centre for Fine Print Research at the University of the West of England.

It is open from 11am Saturday 11 April 2015 to Sunday 12 April 2015 and is free to visit.