Caught by the River

Robert Macfarlane: why we need nature writing

Robert Macfarlane | 3rd September 2015

Robert Macfarlane by Brian David Stevens

‘As Ali Smith has observed, “The place where the natural world meets the arts is a fruitful, fertile place for both.” We might think of that place as an “ecotone” – the biological term for a transition zone between biomes, where two communities meet and integrate. That integration is excitingly visible on the Caught by the River website, where scientists and river restorationists share terrain with experimental musicians and urban birders.’

So writes Robert Macfarlane in his piece today in the New Statesman. In short, we are humbled to be considered a valuable part of the nature writing world – not least by a man so valuable as Robert himself. All that remains is for us to direct our readers towards Robert’s essay – and hope that you enjoy this remarkable piece of writing as much as we all have.

Robert Macfarlane on Caught by the River