Caught by the River

St Jude’s In The City

14th November 2016

alex_malcolmson_ship_to_shore_mixed_mediaAlex Malcolmson: Ship to Shore

Simon and Angie Lewin, lovely people, have been friends of this site from pretty much day one. Their encouragement, from the time when we knew-not-what-we-were-doing, right up to the present day, is always most welcome and much appreciated, (an aside: one thing comes to mind from those early days of 2007: we had no idea how to size / resize the images we wanted to post. They were going up way too small or way too large. Simon, who as a designer must have been seeing this and squirming, very politely took the time to explain it all to us in an email without making us feel like the clueless idiots we really were).

And it isn’t just us who have benefitted from their support, as you can see later this month when Simon, Angie and their St Jude’s cohorts return to The Bankside Gallery (next to Tate Modern) for another of their St Jude’s In The City events.

The exhibition will explore the craft of printmaking with limited edition prints from Angie Lewin, Paul Catherall, Gail Brodholt, Peter Green OBE and many more.

angie_lewin_cutting_thames_fireworks_linocutAngie Lewin cutting Thames Fireworks linocutangie_lewin_thames_fireworks_linocutAngie Lewin Thames Fireworks linocut

In addition to limited edition prints you’ll find unique collages by Mark Hearld, birds and box constructions by Alex Malcolmson and playful hand painted wooden cut-outs by Jonny Hannah.

St Jude’s In The City at The Bankside Gallery, Thames Riverside, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH, runs from 23 November – 4 December 2016 and is open daily from 11am until 6pm.

mick_manning_wrapped_loons_dream_stencil_printMick Manning Loon’s Dream stencil print