We were dead pleased this weekend to read Katharine Norbury‘s stonking Guardian review of Ground Work: Writings on Places and People – upcoming and edited by fellow CBTRer Tim Dee, in collaboration with Common Ground. It is ‘an extraordinary and life-affirming book’, she says. ‘Perhaps its greatest value lies in the multiplicity of ways in which its contributors connect and communicate with the natural world and with the places and people about them’. If that sounds up your alley, you can read the full review here, or pre-order your copy of the book (out 1 March) from us here.
Whilst we’re sharing Norbury news, allow us to draw your attention to Women on Nature, the book project Katharine is currently crowdfunding over at Unbound. Its purpose, she says, is ‘to look at writing about nature from a new and different perspective and to illuminate the writing of women, over the centuries and up to the present day, who have written about and are writing now about the natural world in the islands of Britain, Ireland and the outlying islands of our archipelago’. Read more/pledge here.