Caught by the River


19th August 2018

A quick roundup of lovely things to read, watch and listen to

A flute player breaks into a British museum and makes off with a million dollars’ worth of dead birds:  This American Life podcast examines the extraordinary story behind Kirk Wallace Johnson’s The Feather Thief. As recommended by Andy Childs.

On Radio 4’s Front Row, Philip Hoare and Isabel Stevens discuss the ways in which sharks have been represented in the arts. How much is the cultural representation of these 400 million year old mysterious creatures of the deep a reflection of our own human fantasies and anxieties?

Cheryl Tipp selects a recording of the week for the British Library Sound Archive’s Sound and Vision Blog – exploding gorse seed pods.

Ahead of his appearance on our Good Life Experience stage next month, Erland Cooper joins Mary Anne Hobbs on her BBC 6 Music show, and discusses how Orkney’s wildlife inspired his latest work.

Tim Dee muses on stones, geological and kidney, in an essay for Little Toller’s The Clearing: ‘Stone rhymes with bone. And the months of sickness that followed – between a first operation to by-pass my dangerous rock, and, then, a second to remove it – gave me time (feverish at first, enfeebled later, convalescent on a sofa later still) to discover something of my own inner geology, a living landscape, and, having somehow taken a stone inside, to think about what it might mean to have internalised geology.’

Luke Jennings, writing in the Observer, reveals the process of creating the central characters of BBC America smash Killing Eve (which comes to UK screens this Autumn).

And last but not least, how about a stonking poem to round things off? Jack Underwood gives a big shout out to sea animals, figure-skaters, and new coats of paint.