Caught by the River

Happy birthday, Rough Trade Books!

21st July 2020

Many happy returns to our compadres Rough Trade Books on the occasion of their second birthday. You can catch up on last night’s online celebrations, featuring a playlist by Drift Record Shop’s Rupert and readings and conversations from Salena Godden, Babak Ganjei, Coldwar Steve, David Shillinglaw, Ana da Silva, Joe Dunthorne, Jonny Banger and 4 BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE, via the @RoughTradeBooks & @thesociallondon Twitter accounts — where further birthday-marking activities will be taking place for the rest of this week.

Support Rough Trade Books’ authors by paying a visit to their online shop — where you can now preorder recently announced collaborations with the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

Dig in to our archive of Rough Trade Books coverage here.