Caught by the River

Competition Results

10th June 2021

Here are the results of our most recent newsletter competition…

Last week, we had three copies of Alistair Moffat’s The Secret History of Here: A Year in the Valleypublished by Canongate, to give away. We asked:

The River Tweed, which flows west to east through the Scottish Borders, is particularly renowned for its population of which type of fish?

And the answer is: salmon. The winners are William Campbell, Chris Harley and Sheena Duncan Your books should be with you very soon!

To be in with the chance of winning our next prize  one of three copies of Matthew Oates’ His Imperal Majesty: A Natural History of the Purple Emperor, newly published in paperback by Bloomsbury Wildlife – make sure you’re signed up to our mailing list. The sign-up bar is on the right-hand side of this page.