Today, Andrew Wasylyk announces a new album and tour with single ‘The Confluence’, which comes accompanied by a video made in collaboration with Tommy Perman using a series of homemade, ‘unconventional’ lenses.
Andrew writes:
‘The Confluence’ is an attempt to explore a sense of dichotomy. A lightness and dark, an ebb and flow, willingly merging and dissolving. Perhaps, even, a dreaming to leave or a longing to stay. A cluster of themes runs through this new work. Symbolism and folklore of flowers also played a role in the process. With Tommy’s wonderful homespun approach and method to this film there’s joyous serendipity that I reckon encapsulates some of that spirit.
Tommy reflects:
A spider weaving its web between the honeysuckle leaves on my neighbour’s fence has a different view of the world than I do. The same can be said for the shrew who lives below the garden shed, the wood pigeons who roost high in the sitka spruce and, in fact, my human neighbours too. We’re all on our own journeys, our own perceptions.
Exploring these different ways of seeing, I gathered a collection of unconventional lenses and optical devices to enhance my camera. Experiments began with wonky homemade pinhole lenses when Andrew and I were making a film to accompany his ‘Balgay Hill: Morning in Magnolia’ LP. For this film they have grown to a motley crew of lenses; kids’ toys, kaleidoscopes, repurposed second-hand lenses, prisms, discarded plastic tubes and improvised mirror creations.
New ways of seeing that continue to fuel an inherent sense of wonder at all that surrounds me. I’m still the child who’s fascinated with the shadows cast by the sunlight flickering through the trees at dusk. In Andrew’s music I hear that same sense of wonder and curiosity. It’s a joy to set these collected sights to this beautiful music.
Watch the video below.
Hearing The Water Before Seeing The Falls is out on 25th November on vinyl, CD, and digital through Clay Pipe Music, with preorders available from 28th October, 2022. More information here.
Live performances with eight-piece ensemble are as follows:
7th December – Headrow House, Leeds
8th December – Abbeydale Picture House, Sheffield
9th December – St. Matthias Church, London
10th December – Hallé St Michael’s, Manchester
11th December – Philharmonic Music Room, Liverpool
16th December – CCA, Glasgow
All tickets available here.