Caught by the River

Competition Results

21st September 2023

Here are the results of our latest newsletter competition…

Last week, we had three copies of the new paperback edition of Dorthe Nors’ A Line in the World to give away, courtesy of Pushkin Press. We asked:

‘Nors can fix a scene with one detail, and she’s expert at the kind of elemental, goosebump-inducing metaphors that were the trademark of Tomas Tranströmer.’

Who wrote these words when they reviewed A Line in the World for Caught by the River last year?

And the answer is: Steven Lovatt. The winners are Sue Brodie, Eoghan O’Maolain and Missy Daniel. Your prizes should be with you very soon!

Thanks for all the entires. To be in with the chance of winning our next prize — one of three copies of the paperback of Nick Acheson’s The Meaning of Geesejust-published by Chelsea Green — make sure you’re subscribed to our mailing list. The sign-up box can be found on the right hand side of this page.