Caught by the River

The Retinette Series

7th April 2024

Just released by photographer William Arnold on his Bare Pipes Press imprint, Zugzwang is the second in a run of new monthly photo-zines. Collected as the Retinette Series, each of the images is made using a 1950s Kodak Retinette.

William writes: ‘The formula is simple, each month I will expose one roll of film to produce a 28 page booklet, which can stand alone with its own narrative flow or form part of a series to be bound one after the other to eventually arrive at a rather large purely visual tone poem of an entire year.’

Each instalment functions as an individual book, but will be part of a serialised whole. Each month’s book will be produced in an edition of 25 with a maximum of 20 available for purchase.

William is also to release a number of silver-gelatin prints of the images from the project, which can be purchased via his Instagram page (@williamlawrencearnold).

Zugzwang follows February’s Another Named Storm. Both books are available here for the extremely reasonable price of £10 including UK postage.