Caught by the River

Shop By The River

4th March 2009

Place de la Madeleine, Paris, France

A few new things about the shop… first up, Jason Orton’s brilliant photographic journey round the Essex coastline (350 miles) is back in stock. We’ve got the last few copies of this book, it’s genius so grab one before it’s an ebay classic. Jason has just launched a beautiful new website – click here for a tour.

We’ve written before about our love of Iain Sinclair’s masterful treatise on Hackney – you can click here for a great walk through the book from the Guardian’s website. The book, “Hackney, That Rose Red Empire” is in the shop now, it’s a mighty, mighty read.

Finally, we’ve got signed copies of Caught By The River contributor John Niven’s searing critique of the music industry Kill Your Friends. If you love the book, signed copies of the trade paperback are a must. If you haven’t read it, buy a copy to work out just why Julie Burchill had to ration herself to a chapter a day.

If you’re a subscriber, we’ll be mailing out a discount coupon for orders over a tenner in the shop – it’s not too late to sign up…