Words on Water contributor Paul Kingsnorth got in touch about a festival that he’s organizing on the second bank holiday weekend in May. We wrote about Paul’s brilliant book Real England back when it was published in 2008 – I read it while putting the Rough Pub Guide to bed, its denouement really shaped the way that I felt about the decline of that particular British institution. We wrote a little about Paul’s latest project, Uncivilisation, last summer – the festival he’s putting together falls under that project’s banner. Over to Paul:
“This is that this is the first event of its kind: bringing together writers, artists, thinkers, activists, musicians and poets to take a clear-eyed look at the future, strip away the also hope of the usual green narrative, and try and forge a new kind of art and creativity for straitened times. It should be fab and we have some great names. Also some brilliant music and some really interesting things going on, from wild food forages to bicycle-powered films to workshops on living without money and dealing with post-oil crises. Plus three evenings of great music and stomping.”
It has an absolutely brilliant line up – tickets are on sale now via the festival site and what’s more, it’s in one of the most beautiful spots of Wales. Can’t say fairer than that.
Photo by Kim Price from the Uncivilisation site.