Caught by the River

Water and Sky launch: Bridport, Dorset

18th May 2014

-1Illustration: Jonathan Gibbs

On Saturday 7 June, between 10 am and 12 noon, Waterstones Bridport will be hosting an unusual book launch – two books launched on one day. Even more unusually, the authors are married to each other.

Neil Sentance will be launching his first book, Water and Sky, a mixture of historical fiction, nature writing and memoir, jointly published by Caught by the River and Dorset publisher Little Toller Books. Kate Scott will be launching the second book in her children’s series, Spies in Disguise: Boy in a Tutu, published by Piccadilly Press.

Waterstones, 21 East Street, Bridport, Dorset. Telephone 01308 458925