Caught by the River

Vote for a Reedbed

17th February 2017

Reedbeds greatly benefit rivers, increasing biodiversity and habitats for wildlife, whilst also acting as a natural filter and removing pollutants from the water.

Thames21 is asking the public to choose the location of five new reedbeds for London’s River Lea Navigation as part of their ‘Love the Lea’ programme, which aims to improve the water quality of the rivers of the Lea Catchment.

There are nine proposed sites to choose from, spanning four different London Boroughs – Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Haringey and Waltham Forest. The public vote runs from now until March 31. Everybody who votes will also be entered into a prize draw, with the chance to win London Eye tickets, goodies from The Five Points Brewery and more.

Cast your vote here. More information about reedbeds and their benefits is available here.