Caught by the River


Chris Watson | 22nd December 2017

Chris Watson sheds light on some of the things he most enjoyed in 2017

Untitled (bowl & fish), 1991/2011 by Jannis Kounellis, from the collection of The Museum of Old and New Art

Antidotes for 2017, in no particular order.

The Museum of Old and New Art by Hobart in Tasmania rapidly developed into my all time favourite art establishment during the first hour I spent there in October. I was challenged, astonished, delighted and horrified turn by turn as I wandered the sandstone passages, galleries and tunnels.

Forests are of course magical places which we sometimes hold dear and at other times fear to tread. It was my great pleasure this year to be amongst the Giant Tree Ferns in the Swamp Gum forests of Tasmania and soak up something of their own special presence within the cathedral-like acoustic of the towering ancient Eucalypts.

Recording and in conversation with Dave, The Signalman, at Oxmardyke Gate Box.

Climbing Cairn An Tuirc in The Grampians to Ptarmigan Brae for a vinyl
playback session as part of Alec Finlay’s Braemar Jukebox.

‘Immersion’ for GRM at La Maison de Radio France, Paris in November.

Chris Watson – Newcastle upon Tyne, December 2017


Chris Watson on Caught by the River/on Twitter