Caught by the River

Points Of Interest

11th December 2009


Those sharp eyed amongst you may have noticed that Caught By The River has moved with the times and joined both Twitter and Facebook. To follow us or become our friend, just click on the icons at the top right-hand side of the screen or the links embedded above. We’re going to try to make the Twitter account more than just somewhere that new postings get pinged, hopefully document days out, beers tasted, special offers on the site, whatever.

Thanks very much to everybody who entered the CD competition we ran. We had an amazing response and the winners have now been informed. And finally, in a year that has largely involved us escaping the music industry for the tranquillity of Caught By The River, our book has actually ended up featuring in the NME’s end of year polls (it was in The Times’ books of the year too – it’s also still available in the shop…)

A few of you who came to see us (and our wonderful friends who performed) at the Port Eliot Festival last year might want to get early bird tickets for 2010’s event, now on sale here. If you didn’t make it down there, check the write ups we did on this site here , here and here to see what you missed out – snap up places now for Christmas presents or just to get you out of the mid-winter doldrums. It’s destined to be a hell of a show!

P.S. For all Benhamists and Benhamites out there, that’s the great man’s hat in the picture.